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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Enhancing Client Capabilities

Our program offers two tracks:  one intensive DBT program and another designed specifically for clients attending treatment with a therapist outside of our practice or are part of a special population such as law enforcement officers, veterans, and medical professionals.  Those clients attend a weekly specialty skills group integrating general DBT skills training with a focus on a specific issue such as addiction, trauma, etc.

Improving Client Motivation

The Program helps clients identify their goals for treatment and for a “life worth living.”  Therapists will highlight client strengths and use of resources outside of treatment to identify and modify behaviors that create disregulation and increase client experiences of suffering.

Generalization to the Natural Environment

The programs components allow for the integration of skills into the client’s daily life.  Therapists will encourage the consistent rehearsal of DBT skills so they can become more effective outside the treatment.

Structuring the Enviornment

Clients will be expected to follow the requirements of their specific program.  The goal is to reward effective and skillful behavior and to reshape problematic behavior.

Enhancing the Capabilities and Motivation of Treatment Providers

The journey is shared through weekly consultation team meetings, video recording review, monthly supervision with a Behavioral Tech consultant and commitment by all DBT therapists to continue to attend annual workshops and conferences of DBT to remain current.

DBT Components

Individul Psychotherapy

Skills Group Training

Phone Coaching

Team Consultation Meetings

Areas of Specialty


Mood Disorders


Men & Trauma

First Responders

Medical Professionals

Eating Disorders

Click here for DBT Adolescent Group Information

Utilizing an integrative model to improve health and well-being

Long Island Behavioral Medicine


1717 Veteran's Memorial Highway (Rt. 454), Suite 2
Islandia, NY 11749